Hide a refused sender

After having completed the procedure described in Refuse senders, in the Senders section, on the left side side of the screen, select the refused sender you want to hide.

  • Click Hide on the right side of the screen

    The sender is now hidden. You receive confirmation that you will no longer see this sender nor its documents.
    Two new menus appear on the left side of the screen: Visible senders and Hidden senders.
    These menus allow you to view and manage your Visible sender and your hidden senders.


Unhide a sender

You can unhide a sender at any time (as long as the document retention period is not exeeded).

  • Go to Senders

  • On the left side of the screen, in Hidden senders, select the sender you want to show again.
  • Click on Unhide on the right side of the screen.

  • The sender is again available in the sender list and can be accepted again (as long as the document retention period of this sender is not exceeded).